Understanding Household Mold in Torrington, CT
4/29/2018 (Permalink)

Finding mold in a home can bring concern and worry to a homeowner. We receive frequent calls at our office from people who have found mold. These callers are often filled with questions about our mold remediation process. The truth is, mold does not have to be complicated. There a few basic concepts about mold and how it is treated that are good for homeowners to know prior to contacting a mold remediation company.
1. You will hear many different terms used for the treatment of mold in the home including mold removal, mold abatement, mold remediation and mold mitigation. These terms are interchangeable. Because they naturally occur in both indoor and outdoor environments, mold spores are always present in a home. Any company that claims to eliminate mold from your home is probably one to stay clear of. The goal when servicing a home that has mold is the reduction of mold spores to healthy, natural levels.
2. Many internet sources warn of black mold and indicate that it is more harmful than other molds. Black mold, or Stachybotrys chartarum, can cause a range of negative health symptoms on humans. However, not all mold that is colored black produces mycotoxins, which are a toxic substance produced by mold. And many of the 100,000 species of mold that are different colors do produce mycotoxins. So, don't let the color of the mold in your home affect your decision to have it inspected and treated.
3. Mold does not always require professional remediation. We visit homes on a regular basis to inspect reports of mold. Quite often, we are able to locate the source of the moisture (typically a pipe leak under a sink or a roof leak) and suggest that the homeowner call a plumber to repair the leak. When we inspect a home for mold, we always give an honest opinion as to whether our services are needed.